Case Study #1

A banquet operation in a Five-Star Hotel uses 18/10 Stainless

Steel flatware. Average cost per piece is $5.52.

During a large dinner event of 350 persons, eight pieces of flatware is used per guest. Total of 2,800 pieces of flatware is in circulation during the evening.

(App Fork + Main Fork + App Knife + Main Knife + B&B Knife + Dessert Fork + Dessert Knife + Coffee Spoon = 8 pieces per guest)

Banquet and Stewarding Team lose only a fraction of these flatware pieces – 6 per event – at a cost (loss) of $33.12 ($5.52 X 6 pieces of flatware) This operation has an average of 100 events this size per year.

100 events X $33.12 = $3,312 loss of flatware per year. This operation runs at 36% profit. They need to generate $9,200 revenue just to make up this loss. ($3,312 / .36)

Catering Tray Pro can help you bring flatware loss to zero. Tray cost is $139USD. ROI on a single Catering Tray Pro is $386USD in revenue. ($139USD / .36)
